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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Admin/ SAA

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Use wildcards at time of running a query

It would be useful to be able to use a wildcard in a filter which prompts for data at time of running the filter. An example might be perhaps using and & (or another wildcard) to trigger a pop-up window where a customer/supplier code is entere...
Su Larcombe 2 months ago in Features 2 Further Information Required

Message Users

It would be useful to have a feature to be able to send a message to users through SAGE e.g. when a supplier is no longer used. At the moment we have to export the user list from SAGE ID and then create a mail merge through Word when we want to co...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Messaging 1 Further Information Required

System Administration - Add report as a new feature - folder should be custom and not default

The first folder shown when you add a new feature is Default - it would be better to be be custom ... At the moment you have to navigate back up the folder tree and then choose custom.
Saeed Malik over 5 years ago in Features 1 Further Information Required

Sage Administrator - Proxy settings to be available within the SA console

Currently the proxy settings have to beadded to the web.config file. It would be more efficientfor the settings to be inside the SA console.
Saeed Malik over 5 years ago in Proxy settings 1 Further Information Required

User Access Screen - Change the default of save and close screen

We are on the limit of 150 users to get this screen to open. When changing many users this creates a similar time out error as occurs when more than 150 users are allocated. It would help to not have to wait for the screen to re-open after you hav...
Guest about 7 years ago in Default Save Behaviour 1 Further Information Required