When assets are added to the fixed assets module, there is currently nowhere to upload a copy of the purchase invoice. External auditors (& others) often request to see these. Documents can be added to SL or PL records - why not fixed asset re...
Dawn James
about 1 year ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
There is no process map for fixed assets module within Sage. This is inconsistent with other areas or modules in Sage 200. I appreciate the Fixed Asset module is an optional module which not all Sage 200 customers will use, but it should have a pr...
Currently you can only delete an asset if you dispose of it. I have a customer who has raised an asset and processed depreciation and realised that they used the wrong acquired date. They have reversed the journal but cant delete the asset until t...
Gary Butler
over 1 year ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Ability to set Fixed Asset Status to Inactive to retain record
Two separate customers have asked if it would be possible to set a Fixed Asset status to Inactive when it has been fully depreciated. Currently the Inactive status is used to denote a FA record that does not contain all depreciation details. They ...
Kate Kisler
over 1 year ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Can additional asset values be added on the main Asset Detail section thus not using the Analysis fields i.e. 1) Insurance value, 2) Market / replacement value & review date, 3) Asset category, 4) Financing option i.e. Cash, HP (HP terms will ...
Marek Tonderys
over 1 year ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
It would be very useful if assets with a nil net book value could be disposed using the module and the profit on sale posted directly from the Fixed Asset module.
almost 3 years ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
Ability to amend Fixed Asset Analysis1,2,3 field labels
In 200c Fixed Assets you have 3 analysis code fields available on an asset. However, you are unable to amend the label of these fields to make them more meaningful to the customer. Can this be changed to comply with other module functionality such...
Kathleen Leask
about 5 years ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support
When disposing to an asset it just goes to the depreciation nominal codes as there is no Cost nominal code set up. What customers really need is firstly to see the Journal that is going to be posted for this disposal and to also be able to select ...
over 6 years ago
in Fixed Assets
Idea Accepted - Gauging Support