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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Bank Feeds

Showing 14 of 2048

Foreign Currency Bank Feeds to have same Functionality as GBP Accounts

Our client is using the Bank Feeds functionality, but is frustrated that when using Foreign Currency accounts the 'Save and Create Rule' functionality is not available. Can Bank Feeds Functionality be replicated across all Account types please?
Guest over 5 years ago in Bank Feeds 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Bank Feeds - for an easier way to recall saved Drafts

When you use Bank Feeds, you can save your reconciliation using Confirm Matches, which is like the Save Draft functionality in Bank Reconciliation. When you reopen the Bank Feeds, it highlights the matched lines in yellow, however if you need to s...
Gary Butler almost 6 years ago in Bank Feeds 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Bank Feeds - for a tick box to display unreconciled transactions prior to the date range displayed

If a customer uses bank feeds and has entered transactions on sage at the last day of the month, but display on the statement at the first day of the following month, rather than use 1/12/18 to 30/12/18, the customer would need to set the From dat...
Gary Butler almost 6 years ago in Bank Feeds 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Book balance to be added to bank reconciliation in Sage 200

In Sage 50 you were able to view the book balance on the bank reconciliation report, in Sage 200 this is not the case
Guest over 6 years ago in Bank Feeds / Bank Feeds (Bank Reconciliation) 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support