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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Generate Payments

Showing 15

Amend Generate Suggested Payments to be able to add Filters, Either for Analysis code or bare minimum Payment Group

Customers always have issues around the blanket nature of the generate payments screen being a blankets one size fits all option. The option seems to be incredibly dated not having not been changed since the inception of Sage MMS/200. It could be ...
Derek Taylor 9 months ago in Generate Payments / Suggested Payments 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support


Currently using the Supplier payment option for entering a payment whether allocated to an invoice or just a POA / deposit does not allow for a remittance advice to be printed. In particular this is an issue if you want to produce a remittance for...
Victoria Hanley almost 2 years ago in Generate Payments 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

to change the chq number to alpha/number

In the Generate Payments, having a cheque number sequence on a Bacs run is not very useful. this used to called Batch reference, which was much better/useful. Can't this version of Sage be like our old version please
Tina Hollingsworth 6 months ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Generate Payments - validation of supplier BIC and IBAN codes

Before generating the SEPA compliant bank submission file, the supplier BIC and IBAN codes should be validated and the payment process cancelled if problems are detected.
Guest over 2 years ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Another payment group

It would be really useful to have another payment group ie credit card
Guest over 6 years ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Electronic Payments for Foreign Suppliers and Banks

We have tested this in 10.00.0001 and 9.02.0002 and have the same problem. It will allow you to change a Payment Type to be an electronic payment
Guest over 8 years ago in Generate Payments 1 Not an idea

Fix Payment Processing - Generate Payments(Manual) - Remitance Date - Issue 4469

Currently the date defaults to an old date in the past and is not corrected users end up with transactions date incorrectly - this causes major issues with automatic bank reconciliations and other reporting. it&s also quite time consuming for ...
Saeed Malik over 2 years ago in Generate Payments 1 Will not implement

Payment Processing - Grid Based Selection of Invoices to be paid to increase user effficiency

to be able to list all invoices due to be paid for all suppliers in a grid allowing each invoice to be selected for payment by ticking the appropriate line rather than having to click into the line to enter the amount to be paid filters to allow t...
Saeed Malik over 5 years ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Multiple people creating PL payments

It would be great if more than one user can generate purchase ledger payments at one time (of course providing they are generating them for different payment groups.) We have two employees who both raise payments at the same time of the month (for...
Guest about 2 years ago in Generate Payments 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Stop cheque number skipping on multi page remittance

Has ran through the process but is finding that when she created the cheque, it is going on the wrong number, wants the cheque to be 37 but keeps going to 38 - using the standard Cheque and Remittance layout. Allows 18 lines on the remittance Crit...
Guest about 8 years ago in Generate Payments 2 Further Information Required