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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal


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Use wildcards at time of running a query

It would be useful to be able to use a wildcard in a filter which prompts for data at time of running the filter. An example might be perhaps using and & (or another wildcard) to trigger a pop-up window where a customer/supplier code is entere...
Su Larcombe 16 days ago in Features 2 Further Information Required

Sage Standard - to enable Bank Feeds users must have access to Amend CB Account Details

For a user to be able to access Bank Feeds, they must have their user access set to Amend Cash Book Account Details. Customer considers this to be an un-necessary risk. Can Bank Feeds be enabled as a separate Feature so removing the need for havin...
Kate Kisler over 1 year ago in Features 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add option to User Access for Amend Transaction Details - Sage 200 Standard / Education

Please can you add Amend Transaction Details as an extra option to the User Access list so it can be selected for non-administrator users. It only allows the user to amend the narrative or analysis code, it doesn't affect the integrity of the tran...
Samuel Peach-Barnes over 4 years ago in Features 1 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

System Administration - Add report as a new feature - folder should be custom and not default

The first folder shown when you add a new feature is Default - it would be better to be be custom ... At the moment you have to navigate back up the folder tree and then choose custom.
Saeed Malik over 5 years ago in Features 1 Further Information Required

Allow users to setup their own custom reports

Allow users to setup their own custom reports in Sage System Administration but don&t allow other configuration changes. Sage 200 Online Standard already has this feature but there is no road map for adding the feature to Sage 200 Extra/Sage 2...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Features list to mirror menu structure

In System Administration it would be useful, easierand less confusing to be able to select features based on where they are within the Sage 200 menu. I.e. when looking for the Enter New Customer Accountfeature, find it in Sales Ledger Sales Accoun...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Features 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support