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Sage 200 UKI Ideas Portal

Excel Reporting

Showing 21

Export / Import Excel Financial Statements

To have the ability to export and import your Excel financial statement layouts like you can with the main ones. Seems mad that you can't already.
David Shearer 9 months ago in Excel Reporting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Improve Excel VAT Transactions Report

The current VAT Transactions report (Excel) records the VAT on Sales Invoices as a positive amount, rather than as a negative amount and Sales Credits as negatives instead of positives so that the cumulative total differs from the VAT return. Can ...
David Waller about 1 year ago in Excel Reporting 4 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Excel Reporting for Sage 200

Report directly from excel to help analyse the data in a more in depth manor and in line with existing processes
Guest over 1 year ago in Excel Reporting 2 Already Exists

To be able to drill into Committed costs on Nominal Outturn Report

Logging on behalf of a customer who cannot access Ideas Hub. The Nominal Outturn and Nominal Outturn by report category shows committed costs of Purchase Orders received but not yet invoiced, via Excel Reporting. You can drill into this to see the...
Guest over 1 year ago in Excel Reporting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

FInancial Data Layout to be sorted by the order you add things NOT alphabetically

We have customers running excel reporting and the order goes group - gross profit - sub group - Sales - sub group - purchase. this is for cost and revenue and we all know P and L goes Sales then purchases. What Sage does is sort this alphabeticall...
Guest over 1 year ago in Excel Reporting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Add narrative column to excel report Supplier Transactions

I would find the Supplier Transactions report, which can be found in the excel reports, much more useful if a column showing the narrative was included. When processing invoices we leave the default narrative, which includes the supplier code and ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Excel Reporting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Excel Reporting - Revenue and Cost report: flip sign on budgets

A client is using the Excel Revenue and Cost report to extract budgets and actuals from Sage 200 for reporting. The actual values are signed flipped, so that the revenue credits are displayed as positives and the cost debits as negatives. Budgets,...
Gregor Imrie over 3 years ago in Excel Reporting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Nominal Transactions Excel Report Glitch

Hi, I have identified an issue with the Nominal Transactions Report in Excel reporting when you pull this off the reports section for us as we have been with Sage just over 2 years so on this report it shows Current Year, Last Year 2 Year but when...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Excel Reporting 1 Not an idea

Sage 200 web users able to drill down into budget line details

We have rolled out "My Budget Overview" access to our managers for keeping more up to date view on budget spend than monthly management accounts allow. However it would be useful if the figures in actual/committed POs/etc columns were able to be d...
Jo Clarkson over 5 years ago in Excel Reporting / Roles 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support

Financial Data Designer to have the same functionality as Amend Financial Layouts

eg Subtotals so that you can show Gross Profit, Operating Profit, EBIT, Net Profit etc Text lines to put spacing in the report At the moment you have manually add a total in the Pivot Table settings for Net Profit etc ...
Saeed Malik over 6 years ago in Excel Reporting 0 Idea Accepted - Gauging Support